Borrowing Without Clear Agreements from the Fikih Muamalah Perspective (Study of the Utilization of People's Wealth)

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Muhammad Zuhirsyan
Abdul Aziz Tambunan


This research was conducted to examine the reality that occurs among the community in the form of borrowing goods without a clear contract regarding various acts of using goods belonging to the people. This research uses data collection methods through observation and documentation and analyzes it using a qualitative, descriptive analytical approach. The results of the research show that borrowing goods in the form of using goods belonging to the people without a clear agreement often occurs in the community, both intentionally and unintentionally. From the perspective of Islamic muamalah fiqh, this action is often called ghasab which is prohibited in Islamic sharia teachings. The perpetrators can be subject to law, both religious law and positive law. This is often considered normal and has become a habit, especially in dormitory-based educational institutions, so of course it is necessary to carry out various outreach activities before entering the relevant law enforcement.

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How to Cite
Borrowing Without Clear Agreements from the Fikih Muamalah Perspective (Study of the Utilization of People’s Wealth). (2024). Afkar Journal: Islamic & Civilisation Studies, 1(1), 06-11.

How to Cite

Borrowing Without Clear Agreements from the Fikih Muamalah Perspective (Study of the Utilization of People’s Wealth). (2024). Afkar Journal: Islamic & Civilisation Studies, 1(1), 06-11.