Online Buying and Buying From an Interpretation Perspective Economic Verses Online Buying and Buying From an Interpretation Perspective Economic Verses

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Ahmad Kholil
Muhammad Zuhirsyan


This article aims to discuss online buying and selling from the perspective of interpreting Islamic economics verses from the perspective of legal verses. The data collection method is carried out using secondary data and then analyzing it using a qualitative approach which is descriptive analytical in nature. The results of the research show that Allah has outlined procedures for carrying out buying and selling transactions in the Koran, one of which is by recording and testifying. Allah also prohibits all actions that involve consuming other people's property in a false way. Along with the development of technology, buying and selling has become a position that is very popular with the public, because many conveniences are found in it. Carrying out buying and selling is a necessity nowadays. As for the online form which is widely popular nowadays, it needs to be implemented while paying attention to its validity based on the Koran and various other explanations from both hadith and ijtihad of ulama.

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How to Cite
Online Buying and Buying From an Interpretation Perspective Economic Verses Online Buying and Buying From an Interpretation Perspective Economic Verses. (2024). Afkar Journal: Islamic & Civilisation Studies, 1(1), 01-05.

How to Cite

Online Buying and Buying From an Interpretation Perspective Economic Verses Online Buying and Buying From an Interpretation Perspective Economic Verses. (2024). Afkar Journal: Islamic & Civilisation Studies, 1(1), 01-05.